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The 12 Plants Of Christmas

The 12 Plants Of Christmas

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I’m going all in this Christmas! Holly, mistletoe, ivy, rosemary, and orchids – I’m using them all for this year’s decorations.

You can do the same! You only need to find the right combination for your home.

There are many festive plants out there, some more famous than others. Here are my favorite Christmas plants that will bloom during this period.

And those that don’t bloom will decorate your home with colorful berries and deep greenery.

Let’s get started!

#1 Amaryllis

What makes this plant so christmassy? It’s the fact that it blooms right around that time.

It also has a unique symbolism. It signifies determination, strength, love, and ethereal beauty. And we relate all these emotions to Christmas.

I prefer red or white-red amaryllis plants during the Christmas season. They make everything more festive. But, you can always go with your favorite color.

Growing and triggering amaryllis to bloom isn’t that difficult. Keep it in well-drained soil and don’t water it too much.

And remember to give it some fertilizer so that it can bloom in time for Christmas.

#2 Christmas Bush

This unique plant is the true herald of Christmas. Its creamy white flowers turn deep red around Christmas, hence the name.

Place your Christmas bush in a full sun location and a well-draining medium. Trim it after it stops flowering and keep the soil moist, but never wet.

#3 Christmas Cactus

Swap your holly and poinsettia with Christmas cactus this festive season. Who said we can’t enjoy something a little less traditional?

Its pink-red blossoms and green arms are all it takes to brighten your home this holiday season.

And yes, this plant does flower around Christmas time.

Triggering Christmas cactus to bloom isn’t rocket science. And if you do it correctly, it will flower in time for gift unwrapping. 

It needs a lot more water than a regular cactus. But with proper care, it will reward you with gorgeous pink flowers.

#4 Christmas Rose

The snow white flowers of this plant bloom in time for Christmas. And if you’re lucky, yours may get a subtle pink tinge.

The Christmas rose looks amazing in floral arrangements. You can even grow it as a houseplant as it will flower indoors.

Keep it in indirect sunlight and moist, well-draining substrate.

#5 Cyclamen

Cyclamen are the most underrated winter houseplants. Why? Nobody knows! 

Most of them are pink and white. Yet, there are deep red shades that are perfect for the holiday season. 

Its soft red petals and silvery foliage create a welcoming atmosphere, especially at Christmas time.

Keep these plants in a well-drained growing medium. Ensure they are moist. And don’t forget to place them on your east-facing windowsill. 

Do this, and you’ll enjoy their red shades come Christmas.

#6 Holly

There’s a never-ending battle between mistletoe and holly. I chose holly as my winner, but it’s up to you to pick yours.

Its red berries represent Christ’s blood, while the evergreen leaves symbolize the afterlife.

Also, these features are all it takes to decorate your mantelpiece. Or you can weave them into adorable wreaths.

Some gardeners even grow them as indoor shrubs.

Your options are endless!

Don’t prune them too much and give them water whenever their topsoil dries out. Keep them in indirect sunlight.

And who knows! You may decide to turn yours into a unique Christmas tree this season!

#7 Ivy

Holly and English ivy were a popular combo. But ivy somehow fell into oblivion.

It symbolizes various things. But all those who celebrate Christmas connect it to a deep attachment to God.

Yet, you don’t have to believe in this tradition if you want to add ivy to your Christmas decor. Let it wrap around your holly. Or use it to decorate your Christmas table or mantelpiece.

English ivy is even on the list of houseplants you can grow in water. That way, you can decorate your home without any mess.

#8 Mistletoe

Just because you added holly to your Christmas decor, it doesn’t mean you have to say no to the mistletoe.

These plants go hand in hand.

Yet, no one knows why mistletoe is a Christmas plant. We popularized it in the 18th century and still use it to this day.

Its olive green leaves and white berries bring a feeling of purity and calmness to your home. Combine it with your other Christmas plants and you’ll get a festive decor in an instant.

#9 Orchid

I could never think of orchids as Christmas plants. But it makes sense. They can bloom all year long, including at Christmas time.

And if you want to go all in, get a Christmas orchid. It will elevate your decor in an instant.

These plants don’t need much to thrive. Keep them in indirect sunlight and a warm spot. And don’t forget to water your orchids.

Yet, if you want a unique Christmas decoration, try making an orchid terrarium.

#10 Poinsettia

If you want something traditional for your Christmas decor, you can’t go wrong with poinsettias.

They resemble stars and we associate them with the star of Bethlehem. But there’s more to the story.

A Mexican legend says that a girl, Pepita, didn’t have a gift for the baby Jesus. She picked some weeds and they turned into gorgeous poinsettias on Christmas Eve.

And you can do the same yourself. Encouraging poinsettias to rebloom is easy. 

Prune them after flowering and fertilize them twice a month. Do all this and you’ll get another flush of blossoms. (Or the first one!)

#11 Rosemary

Did you know that rosemary was as popular a Christmas plant as mistletoe and holly? Why it fell into disfavor, nobody knows.

The tradition says that the name, rosemary, and the blue blossoms are in service of the Holy family.

And whoever smells it on Christmas Eve will have happiness in the upcoming year.

The good news is that you can grow rosemary indoors. Keep it in a sunny spot, well-drained soil, and don’t water it too much.

#12 Spruce

Did you know that your Christmas tree is usually a spruce or fir? We all think that pines are the most common, but it’s the spruce that deserves first place.

These evergreen trees represent Christ’s birth and resurrection. And the needles symbolize the thorns on his crown.

Its thick needles are perfect for holiday decor. You can take the entire tree indoors or use some branches for mantelpiece decorations.

But what if I use artificial trees? 

Then, choose some of the best botanical candles for Christmas and enjoy the spruce scent that way.

And don’t forget about the spirit of giving. It is the perfect gift to give a gift. Give a plant from this list to your loved ones this year. 

It may not be five gold rings, but it should do the trick.